Angela Svoronou was born in Athens and lives between Athens and Crete. Alongside her personal art projects she works as a freelance photographer and teaches at the Athens School of Fine Art. Her work has been widely exhibited in Greece and abroad and included in numerous exhibition catalogues and volumes such as FUTURE IMAGES (Mario Cresci, ed.) published by 24Ore Motta Cultura Srll Milano 2009. She represented Greece in the 13th Biennial of Young Artists of Europe and the Mediterranean in Bari, Italy. Her photographs can be found in many private collections and in the collection of the Thessaloniki Museum of Photography. She is a founding member of the Athens based artists’ collective Filopappou Group and is a member of the photographer’s collective Depression Era.
2005 Master of Arts in Photography, London College of Communication, University of the Arts London
2003 Master of Arts in Fine Art, University of East London
2000 Degree (1st Class) in Painting with Professor Rena Papaspyrou, Athens School of Fine Arts
2021 1st Prize, Photometria Awards “(Un)lucky (R)evolution” exhibition, judged by Martin Parr Photometria Festival, Ioannina, Greece
2011 Prix Virginie Clement, Photo d’Hotel Photo d’Auteur, Paris France
2007 Photography Award “Greece Today”, European Central Bank, 3rd Prize
2004 Scholarship of the Alexander S. Onassis Foundation
2002 Scholarship of the Lilian Voudouris Foundation
2001 1st Prize at the photography competition of Highlights Art Magazine, Athens
1999 Scholarship of the Hellenic Ministry for Education (P.Triantafillidis endowment)
2023 ΒΚΧΣ 3.0, unique photographic work commissioned by Mr Vertigo
2022 Photoxenia Residency, Crete
2012 Offshore, Meropi Island, Kardamyli, Greece
2010 Photo d’Hotel Photo d’Auteur, Paris France
2008 1st International Openart Residency 1.6 -30.9. 08 – Island of Dreams, Eretria, Greec
2022 Landscapes Behind, Photometria International Photography Festival, St Georges’ Gate (Tunnels of Castle), Ioannina
2021 The Interludes, Rencontres de la Jeune Photographie Internationale, Pavillion Stéphane Grappelli, Niort, France
2020 Landscapes Behind, Archaeological Museum of Agios Nikolaos, Crete
2018 Summer Inn Paradise Revisited, Elika Gallery, Athens
2017 Summer Inn Paradise, Municipal Gallery of Agios Nikolaos, Crete
2012 Landscapes Behind, Titanium Yiayiannos Gallery, Athens
2006 Spacemark Project, curated by Artemis Potamianou, Goethe-Institut, Thessaloniki
2000 Photography Exhibition, Café of The Network for the Immigrants, Athens
2015 Nightstalkers: Photographing the Invisible, an artistic workshop led by Yiannis Hadjiaslanis and Angela Svoronou as part of the workshops by Depression Era Collective. https://nightstalkersworkshop.tumblr.com/
2014 Remains of an Industrial Past, Itinerant Photography Lab @ Microgeographies 3/WWSf: a workshop led by Angela Svoronou, with students of the Athens School of Fine Art. http://itinerantphotographylab.microgeographies.org/
2023 Invisible Crete, curated by Maria Choulaki, Savvas Petrakis Gallery, Viannos, Keratokampos, Crete
2021 Photometria Awards 2021 “(Un)lucky (R)evolution”, Ioannina City Hall, Ioannina
2020 Ano Volta/Kato Volta, curated by VASKOS, Eight / Το Οχτώ Critical Laboratory for Arts and Politics
2019 Young Greek Photographers, Thessaloniki Museum of Photography, Thessaloniki
13,700,000 km3, curated by Katerina Gregos, Schwarz Foundation, Art Space Pythagorion, Samos
Outscore, (with O. Venetsianou), Sculpted Theatre of Aiksoni, Glyfada, Athens
2018 The Spirit of the Stairs, a photographic installation in public space, commissioned by the Municipality of the city of Agios Nikolaos, Lassithi, Crete
2017 Fall of the Heroes, Culturescape Gestival. Archaeological Museum of Basel, Switzerland
#NeapolisAthina, Galleries of the Hellenic American Union, Athens
2016 Art Pulses III, lobby of the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, Athens
Whispers, curated by Maria Maragkou, Center of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki
2015 Whispers, curated by Maria Maragkou, Museum of Contemporary Art Crete, Rethymno
Metavaseis/Topos-Chronos, curated by A. Skourtis & A. Nasioula, Owl Art Space, Athens
Jules Verne, group exhibition curated by Kapten (C. Kotsoulas), The Loft, Athens
S.O.M.A. (Scattered Open Museum of Attica), Chryssi Tomi Space, Keratea, Attica
Like, group exhibition curated by Angelos Skourtis, Ekfrasi Gallery, Athens
2014 Photobiennale/ 23rd International Photography Meeting, Ancient Agora, Thessaloniki
Identity, photography exhibition, part of the Greek Film and Foto Week, Toronto
2013 Microgeographies III curated by Harikleia Hari, office (Ilissia) and loft (Museum area), Athens
Thrills and Chills, curated by Christina Androulidaki & Daily Lazy Projects, CAN gallery Athens
TranshFormation curated by Nina Kassianou, National Museum of Contemporary Art Athens
Paradise Lost, curated by Artemis Potamianou, ART ATHINA 2013, Athens
Déjà Vécu, curated by Evita Tsokanta, an[a]mesa art and culture space, Athens
2012 Return from Utopia/New Reality, About art and culture space, Athens
Leere Räume-Empty Spaces, curated by Martin Breindl, Kronenboden, Berlin
Lost in Athens, Contemporary Art Meeting Point (CAMP), Kotzia Sq, Athens
2011 Over the corner we met Iolas, Beton7 art and culture space (a parallel event of the 3rd Athens Biennale MONODROME) Athens with Filopappou Group
Reference/Representation, Jewish Museum of Thessaloniki (a parallel event of the 3rd Thessaloniki Biennale)
M55projects bei FLUSS, curated by alien productions and Nina Kassianou, Wolkersdorf, Austria
Prix Photographique PHPA, Esther Woerdehoff Gallery, Paris France
Microgeographies I, curated by Hariklia Hari (a parallel event of ART-ATHINA 2011), TaeKwonDo building and SEANATK, Faliron, Athens with Filopappou Group
2010 Chain Reaction, The Art Foundation, Athens
Young Greek Photographers 2010, Athens Photo Festival, Esplanade Building, Faliron Athens
Childhood Project, Municipal Cultural Centre “Melina Merkouri”, Athens
2009 Other world’s souvenirs, The Art Foundation, Athens
Et In Arcadia Ego, 2nd Athens Biennale “Heaven”, curated by Z.Xagoraris & D.Papaioannou, Athens (catalogue) with Filopappou Group
I Create Therefore I Am, State Museum of Contemporary Art, Contemporary Art Centre of Thessaloniki (catalogue)
2008 A Dialogue Between Ten Artists, Thessaloniki Museum of Photography, curated by V. Ioakimidis
XIII Biennial of Young Artists of Europe and the Mediterranean, Puglia-Bari, Italy
Greece Today –ECB Photography Award, 20th International Photography Meeting – Photobiennale Byzantine Museum, Thessaloniki
2007 Greece Today –ECB Photography Award, European Central Bank, Frankfurt, Germany
Mysteries, Secrets, Illusions, Kaunas Picture Gallery (M.K.Ciurlionis National Museum), Kaunas Photo Festival Lithuania
Mission Jeunes Artistes, Printemps de Septembre Festival d’art contemporaine, Toulouse, France
(+ptosi) exhibition of 8 artists, Municipal Gallery of Agios Nikolaos, Crete
2006 Action Field Kodra 06– rooms to let, curated by Efie Halivopoulou, Visual Arts Festival, Thessaloniki
Work In Progress, Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie d’Arles, Eglise St Julien, Arles France
Worlds Through The Lens curated by Angela Svoronou-8 photographers at The Walk Gallery London UK
2004 Memory Game at Paradigmata, 9th International Architectural Exhibition, la Biennale di Venezia, Venice, Italy with Filopappou Group
Video art, The Factory, 256 Pireos St, Athens School of Fine Arts, Athens
2003 METROSPECTIVE, exhibition of painting, photography, sculpture and installation Disused Aldwych Station, Strand, London UK
2002 Residents of Ruins (Ereipion Enoikoi), site-specific works (video, installation, performance), Hotel Theoxenia, Portaria, Pelion with Filopappou Group
2001 37-58 B /23-43 A , site-specific works (video, installation, performance), Filopappou Hill, Athens with Filopappou Group
Wireless World, produced by INFO QUEST, Jockey’s Club, Athens
2nd Eco Festival, The National Garden, Athens
2000 2000 Tin Cans, painting, sculpture, installation and multimedia, Lithographeion of Pireos Str, Athens